Albert Camus
Jean-Paul Sartre
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Absurdism is based on the beliefs of Philosophers Friedrich Nietzsche and Søren Kierkegaard
Who are also often called the founders of existentialist movement

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche was the son of a priest in a tiny village a man with a lot of problems and he wasn’t very populair with women, he became a professor for the university of Basel in Germany.
He wanted people to be how they really are
He hated alcohol for the same reasons as he hated christianity, according to him
both numbed pain and reassured people their lives are fine as they are, sapping us to change our lives for the better. he believed getting truly valuable things done hurts.

Søren Kierkegaard

Is most famous for the three books he wrote "Fear and Trembling,
Philosophical Fragments and The Concept of Anxiety"
He wants us to wake up and give up our cozy sentimental illusions
He attacks the pillars of modern life; our faith in family, our trust in work and attachment in love
A good quote of him is “as I grew up I opened my eyes and saw the real world, and I began to laugh and I haven’t stopped since” I saw life was all about financial income, that the goal of life was becoming a high court judge, the biggest excitement in love was to marry a good wife, that wisdom is what majority tells you it is, that passion is to give a speech and that currage is risking a fine of ten
dollars dat hartelijkheid was om “graag gedaan” te zeggen na een maaltijd.
Martin Heidegger
Albert Camus
Friedrich Nietzsche
Søren Kierkegaard